Avril Lavigne’s Looking to Fight Lindsay Lohan Over Some “Fake” Shit

These two ever-classy ladies got into a big blowout at the ever-classy Chateau Marmont, according to the New York Post, who had one of their minions there to witness the social meltdown of two women who love chipped black nail polish and shitty-looking weaves.

It all went down after the two eyed one another and Lavigne had the audacity to call a duck a duck: listeners said that the “Sk8er Boi” singer called the, uh, drug-addicted former actress a “loser.” Lohan supposedly flipped shit and the two went at it like the upstanding Hollywood staples that they are:

“Avril was at a table with friends just over a week ago including her boyfriend, Brody Jenner, when Lindsay came over to say hi. But as soon as she approached, Avril launched at her and said: ‘Get the hell out of my face, you are fake, you are a loser. I don’t like false people. Stay away from me and my friends.’ Lindsay was furious and screamed back: ‘Don’t threaten me!’ She then stormed off to security and tried to get them to kick Avril out. They refused to force Avril to leave. Lindsay eventually stormed off … It seemed like she was just being friendly to Avril because she was with people Lindsay wanted to impress. Avril is avoiding going to the Chateau Marmont when she knows Linsday will be there. She doesn’t want any more drama.”

Avril doesn’t want any more drama. That’s like saying Heidi Montag doesn’t want more plastic surgery or Paris Hilton doesn’t want to be the butt of any more herpes jokes. People like Avril thrive on drama … taking it away would be like what losing a child is like to some people.

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